lady behind her desk writing in her notebook to work through the 8 steps to set goals

8 Easy Steps to Set Goals for Your Blogging Business

Do you have a dream or a vision for your business? Do you want to achieve something amazing, but don’t know where to start? If you answered yes, then this blog post is for you!

In this post, I’m going to share with you the steps on how to set goals for your business, and how to make them happen. Whether you want to improve your productivity, cut costs, increase the traffic to your blog, or anything else, setting goals can help you get there faster and easier.

But before we dive into the steps, let me tell you why I’m passionate about goal setting.

There are a lot of benefits to setting goals, like increasing productivity, gaining clarity, and staying focused. If you want to find out more about these benefits and 7 more, read my blog post: Unveiling 10 Astonishing Benefits of Goal Setting

I love to set goals for myself and my business, and follow a simple but effective process to achieve them. And guess what? It works! I’ve been able to start multiple businesses, set up a membership, and earn money from my blogs. I’ve also learned a lot along the way, and I want to share it with you.

That’s why I created this blog post, to show you how to set goals, and how to make them a reality. I’ll also give you an example of how to set a specific goal, to make things more tangible and clear.

So, are you ready to learn about all the steps to set goals for your business, and how to reach them? If so, let’s get started!

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Step 1: Figure out what you want to achieve

In every blog post I read about setting goals, the first step is often: set your goals. But I believe the first step needs to be, figure out what you want to achieve in your business. Because only then can you set the appropriate goals. 

If you set a goal to write 50 blog posts (like my yearly goal), but you already have 150 ones on your blog, writing 50 additional blog posts might not be what you need. Maybe a better goal would be, going through the 150 blog posts you already have and updating them one by one. 

By updating your blog posts you might be able to increase your revenue by adding affiliate links, or promoting your own products and courses. An SEO-updated post could bring more traffic to your website and you might land on page one of Google.

So figuring out what exactly you want to do this year is the very first step of setting goals.

lady behind her desk writing in her notebook to work through the 8 steps to set goals

Step 2: Commit to your goals

This might seem obvious, but you need to be committed to your goals 100%. You need to be convinced that you can reach your goals. Because once you believe these goals are doable, you are willing to put in the work to reach those goals. Without belief and commitment to your goals, you are bound to quit before you’ve even begun. 

Think about it… when you want to lose 10 pounds before summer, but you don’t believe you can do it, you will still continue to snack in the afternoon. But when you are in the right mindset and you know you can do it, and you are committed, you will ignore that snack and choose something more healthy. 

The same goes for business goals. Let’s look at the goal of updating those 150 blog posts. If you are overwhelmed by the sheer amount of work, you don’t know what your objective is on why you set that goal, and you think you’re probably never going to get it all done, you are unable to commit to the goal. Failure is about to happen. It’s time to dive a bit deeper on your goal and make it specific.

Step 3: Create SMARTER goals

After creating your goals and committing to them, it is time to break them down. A goal is never going to be reached unless you get to work. 

But first, you need to make your goals SMARTER. What now, you say? Yes, you need to make your goals smarter. How do we do that? Here’s how.

SMARTER is the acronym that stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-bound, Evaluate, Re-adjust. 

lady behind her desk drinking a beverage and working through the 8 steps to set goals

To make your goal of updating 50 blog posts a SMARTER goal, you need to make sure it meets the following criteria:

  • Specific: Define what updating means for your blog posts. For example, does it mean adding new information, improving the SEO, changing the layout, adding affiliate links or your products, or something else? You also need to identify which blog posts you want to update, and why they need updating.

  • Measurable: Enable a way to track how many blog posts you have updated, and how the updates have improved your blog’s performance. For example, you can use analytics tools, feedback forms, or checklists to measure your progress and results.

  • Achievable: You need to make sure your goal is realistic and within your reach. For example, you need to consider your available time, resources, and skills, and how they match your goal. You also need to break down your goal into smaller and manageable tasks, and set deadlines for each task.

  • Relevant: Your goal needs to be aligned with your blog’s purpose, vision, and values. For example, you need to consider how updating your blog posts will benefit your blog, your audience, and yourself. You also need to make sure your goal is consistent with your other goals and priorities.

  • Time-bound: Set a clear and specific deadline for your goal. For example, you need to decide when you want to finish updating your blog posts, and how long each update will take. You also need to create a schedule or a timeline for your goal, and stick to it.

  • Evaluate: Review your goal regularly and assess your performance and progress. For example, you need to check if you are on track with your tasks and deadlines, and if you are meeting your expectations and standards. You also need to identify any problems or challenges, and how to solve them.

  • Re-adjust: Remember to be flexible and adaptable with your goal, and make changes if necessary. You need to adjust your tasks, deadlines, or strategies if you encounter any changes or difficulties. You also need to update your goal if you achieve it, or if it becomes irrelevant or unattainable.

This might sound difficult and even overwhelming. But let me assure you, it isn’t. It can be a simple process. Why don’t we take a look at the goal of updating 50 blog posts and rewrite it into a SMARTER goal:

lady behind her desk with a beverage and working through the 8 steps to set goals

“January 1, 2024: My goal is to update 50 blog posts by July 1, 2024. I will update 2 blog posts per week, and each update will take about 3 hours. Updating means adding new and relevant information, improving the SEO, and changing the layout to make the posts more engaging and user-friendly. 

I will update the blog posts that have the most views, comments, and shares, and that are related to my blog’s niche and theme. Updating my blog posts will help me increase my traffic, authority, and credibility, and provide more value to my audience. 

I will use Google Analytics, WordPress, and Trello to track and measure my progress and results. I will review my goal every week and evaluate my performance and progress. I will re-adjust my goal if I encounter any changes or challenges, or if I achieve it before the deadline.”

Don’t you agree that this goal became a lot clearer? I encourage you to make all your goals SMARTER goals from now on. It significantly enhances your chances of successful achievement.

Step 4: Write your SMARTER goal down and share it with the world

Once you have figured out what your yearly goals are, and you’ve made them into SMARTER goals, it’s time to take some action. 

First, write them down. When you write your goals in your planner, on a post-it note to hang on your computer screen, or you share them in a Facebook group, it will make you accountable toward working on your goals and reaching them. Having your goals front and center every day, it’ll encourage you to take the steps and work on your goals.

An accountability partner can function as your cheerleader, someone who is going to push you when things get tough and celebrate with you when you reach your goals. 

Don’t just think about your goals or tell your friends about them. Write them down and be among people who have a 42% better chance of reaching their goals.

When I write my goals down, I think them through, I know what steps I need to take, and I remember my goals better because they’re right there in front of me! I know what to work on starting every single day I come into my office. 

Writing your goals down is powerful, so do it!

Step 5: Break down your goals

Now that you know exactly what your long-term goals or yearly goals are, the next logical step is to break them up into smaller and manageable tasks. It’s time to break down your big yearly goals into monthly and weekly goals. This will help you stay focused, motivated, and organized.

How do we do that? Think of your goal as a big project, and your tasks as the steps you need to take to complete it. For example, if your goal is to write a book, your tasks could be to outline the chapters, research the topic, write the draft, edit the content, and publish the book.

To plan out your tasks, you can use a planner, a journal, or an app that suits your style and preference. I personally use Asana ànd a Legend Planner, because I like the possibility to move things around if necessary, but I also like to put pen to paper and have my planner nearby so I can easily see what my tasks for the day are. It’s smart to also set deadlines for each task, to keep yourself on track and accountable.

Another thing you need to consider is how to prioritize and maybe even delegate some of your tasks. Not all tasks are equally important or urgent, and perhaps you can’t do everything by yourself. You need to identify which tasks are the most critical and time-sensitive, and which ones can be done later or by someone else, like a virtual assistant. This will help you to avoid overwhelm and burnout.

A simple way to determine what tasks you need to prioritize is to use the Eisenhower matrix. Using this method you will start to divide your tasks into four categories: do, decide, delegate, and delete. You can also use the Pareto principle, which states that 80% of your results come from 20% of your efforts. Watch these videos and give these tools a try.

lady behind her desk writing in her notebook to work through the 8 steps to set goals

Step 6: Track and measure your progress

Now that you have started working on your goals, it is time to see how it’s going. Therefore an important step in goal setting is tracking and measuring your progress. This will help you see how far you’ve come, how close you are to reaching your goal, and what you need to do next.

Tracking and measuring your progress can also boost your motivation, your confidence, and satisfaction. Looking at how many blog posts you’ve already updated and what it has done for your traffic so far can be exciting and inspiring. 

There are many ways to track and measure your progress. You can use analytical tools, like Google Analytics and time tracking tools, like Toggl. To collect insights and feedback on your updated blog posts I suggest asking your email subscribers to fill in feedback forms, like those from Airtable

Depending on your goal and your preference, you can use charts, graphs, or checklists to visualize your data and results. I like to use Google Sheets, but I also use Asana and Trello.

Whatever method you choose, make sure to track and measure your progress regularly and consistently. This will help you stay on track and adjust your strategy if needed.

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Step 7: Celebrate your achievements and reward yourself

Now pay attention because this is a very important step in setting goals for your business! Celebrating your achievements and rewarding yourself. 

You have worked hard on your goals (so far) and that needs to be acknowledged. Celebrating even the smaller tasks well done, will move you forward, bring you joy, and even reduce stress. Seeing what you have accomplished already can lift a (little) weight off your shoulders knowing you’re going in the right direction. 

Honestly it doesn’t really matter what you do, just stop for a moment and take in that feeling of checking off a task. But working on a task and knowing there will be a little reward at the end of it, makes it even more fun and encouraging to get it done. 

Depending on the goal or task, you want to celebrate big or small. It could be fun to come up with rewards for every task or goal checked off. To give you a few examples, what about treating yourself to a new journal, trying out a new hobby, or checking in on a spa retreat. What I like is getting myself a delicious piece of chocolate (my guilty pleasure for sure!) and watching a movie on Netflix. 

It’s important to celebrate your milestones and goals reached. Now pick some reward and put them down next to your tasks and goals. 

lady behind her desk with her phone and working through the 8 steps to set goals

Step 8: Learn from your mistakes and setbacks

This step is inevitable. There will be times when your plan isn’t going accordingly or life is simply getting in between. And that’s ok. It doesn’t mean all is lost. It just means you learn from your mistakes and setbacks and you readjust.

Learning from your mistakes means you won’t make that mistake again and you will be better equipped for future goals. It’s an experience you take with you into the future of your business. 

Reflect on what went wrong or what you can do to tackle this hiccup in a better or simpler way. Maybe you could ask for help or delegate the task. 

For example if you realize that time is getting tight and you’re not going to get the work done, you can do two things. Either you spend some time on setting up systems so you can easily outsource the job to a virtual assistant. Sure, at first you will have to invest money to get the goal achieved, but it will free up some precious time you can use to put into other more profitable activities. Or you can adjust your goal from updating 50 blog posts before the deadline to updating 30. Either is fine.

Be flexible and adapt. Don’t let a setback get you to throw in the towel. Maybe you could journal about where you are with your goals, talk to a mentor or coach, or reach out to your accountability buddy. Getting it off your chest will often help getting some sort of perspective on the issue and help you get over the setback in the first place. You will stay motivated to continue to work on your goals. 

Final thoughts

Now you’ve just learned the 8 steps on how to set goals for your business, ànd how to make them happen. Let’s recap:

  • Step 1: Figure out what you want to achieve
  • Step 2: Commit to your goals
  • Step 3: Create SMARTER goals
  • Step 4: Write your SMARTER goal down and share it with the world
  • Step 5: Break down your goals
  • Step 6: Track and measure your progress
  • Step 7: Celebrate your achievements and reward yourself
  • Step 8: Learn from your mistakes and setbacks

By following these steps, you can turn your dream or vision into a reality, and achieve amazing results for your blogging business.

But remember, setting goals is not enough. You also need to take action, and work hard to reach your goals. Don’t let fear, doubt, or procrastination stop you from pursuing your goals. Believe in yourself, and your ability to succeed.

I hope this blog post has inspired you to set goals for your business, and to take action. 

If you enjoyed this blog post, please share it with your friends or other bloggers who might benefit from it. You can also subscribe to my blog for more tips and resources on how to grow your business. Just fill in the form below and you’ll also get my freebie on how to tackle time management. 

Thank you for reading, and I’ll see you in the next blog post!

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